Fix ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ in Google Search Console

Fix 'Crawled – Not Indexed' in Google Search Console

If you’re a website owner or an SEO professional, you’ve likely encountered various issues with Google Search Console (GSC). One common issue is the ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ status, which can be puzzling and concerning. Understanding what this status means and how to resolve it is crucial for maintaining your site’s SEO health and visibility. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of this issue, explain why it matters, and guide you through effective steps to address it.

Understanding the ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ Status

The ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ status in Google Search Console indicates that Googlebot has crawled your page but has not included it in the index. This status is different from others like ‘Discovered – Currently Not Indexed’ or ‘Excluded by Noindex Tag’. While ‘Discovered – Currently Not Indexed’ suggests that Google knows about the page but hasn’t crawled it yet, ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ means the page has been visited by Google’s crawler but isn’t deemed fit for indexing.

This issue can impact your website’s visibility and organic traffic, as pages that aren’t indexed won’t appear in search results. Understanding why this happens is the first step toward fixing it.

Common Reasons for ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’

Several factors can lead to a ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ status. Identifying these reasons is essential for troubleshooting the issue effectively.

Duplicate Content

Google strives to avoid indexing duplicate content. If multiple pages on your site have similar or identical content, Google might choose not to index them to prevent redundancy in search results.

Thin or Low-Quality Content

Pages with minimal or low-value content may be overlooked by Google. Quality content is a key factor in indexing decisions, and pages lacking substance might not be considered valuable enough to index.

Crawl Budget Issues

Google allocates a specific crawl budget for each site, which determines how frequently and how many pages Googlebot will crawl. If your site has a high number of pages or technical issues, important pages might not get indexed due to crawl budget constraints.

Website Structure and Internal Linking Problems

A complex or poorly structured website can hinder Google’s ability to crawl and index pages effectively. Issues with internal linking can also impact indexing.

Technical Issues

Technical problems such as server errors blocked resources, or incorrect use of robots.txt files can prevent Google from indexing pages properly.

Recent Changes to the Website

If you’ve recently added or updated content on your site, it might take some time for Google to index these changes. However, prolonged delays could indicate other issues.

How to Identify Pages Affected by ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’

To address the ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ issue, you first need to identify which pages are affected. Google Search Console is a valuable tool for this purpose.

Accessing the Coverage Report in Google Search Console

  • Log in to your Google Search Console account.
  • Navigate to the ‘Coverage’ report under the ‘Index’ section.
  • Filter by ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ to view a list of affected pages.

Analyzing the Affected Pages

  • Use SEO tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to conduct a deeper analysis of the pages with this status.
  • Evaluate factors such as content quality, meta tags, and internal linking to identify potential issues.

    Fixing ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ Issues

    Once you’ve identified the affected pages, it’s time to take corrective actions. Here are some effective strategies:

    Improving Content Quality

    • Enhance Content Value: Ensure that your content is original, valuable, and relevant to your audience. Google prioritizes pages that offer unique and substantial information.
    • Update Thin Content: Expand on thin content by adding more detail, depth, and value. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on readability and user experience.

    Optimizing Website Structure and Internal Linking

    • Improve Internal Linking: Strengthen internal links to ensure that important pages are easily accessible to both users and search engines. This helps Google understand the importance of your pages.
    • Update Sitemaps: Regularly update your sitemaps to reflect the current structure of your site. This helps Google discover and crawl new and updated pages more effectively.

    Technical Fixes

    • Resolve Server Errors: Check for and fix any server errors that may be preventing Google from accessing your pages. Ensure that your site is up and running smoothly.
    • Check Robots.txt and Meta Tags: Make sure that your robots.txt file and meta tags are not inadvertently blocking Google from crawling or indexing your pages.
    • Address Crawl Budget Issues: Improve your site’s crawl budget by optimizing site speed and removing unnecessary or duplicate pages. A well-optimized site helps Google allocate crawl resources more efficiently.

      How to Monitor and Maintain Indexing

      Maintaining a healthy indexing status requires ongoing monitoring and proactive SEO practices.

      Ongoing Monitoring with Google Search Console

      • Regular Checks: Frequently check the Coverage report in Google Search Console to monitor for any new ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ issues.
      • Set Up Alerts: Use Google Search Console’s alert features to get notified of any indexing problems as they arise.

      Proactive SEO Practices

      • Conduct Regular Content Audits: Regularly review and update your content to ensure it remains valuable and relevant. This helps prevent issues related to thin or duplicate content.
      • Keep Sitemaps Updated: Ensure that your sitemaps are current and reflect the latest changes to your site. This aids in better indexing of new and updated pages.
      • Monitor Crawl Budget: Optimize your site to improve crawl efficiency. Address any issues that may be consuming an excessive crawl budget, such as slow page load times or excessive redirects.

        When to Seek Professional Help

        In some cases, resolving ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ issues may require professional assistance. If you encounter complex technical issues or need extensive site restructuring, consulting with an SEO expert or developer might be necessary. They can provide advanced insights and solutions to address persistent indexing problems.


        Addressing the ‘Crawled – Not Indexed’ status in the Google Search Console is essential for maintaining your site’s visibility and SEO performance. By understanding the reasons behind this issue and implementing effective solutions, you can enhance your site’s indexing and improve its presence in search results. Regular monitoring and proactive SEO practices will help you stay on top of any future issues and ensure that your website remains in good standing with Google.

        If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to SEO professionals for support. Keeping your site well-indexed is a crucial step toward achieving better search engine rankings and driving more traffic to your site.


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